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Monday, December 10, 2007


The Nintendo Wii:

The game Wii Sports is not only a fun game for the family but you can actually get some exercise. In this game you can do fitness test to determine your Wii age and if you don't exercise your character gets fat. The interesting thing is this gaming system is not just for kids; you can host a bowling party or play a game of tennis or my favorite, baseball. I had a chance to play against my son and the DigiPostle and while my son plays a lot more than me, and the DigiPostle grew up during the boom of video games, I still knocked more balls out of the Wii park then those two combined. When gaming systems first came out the only thing that you exercised were your thumbs, but I recently read an article about a girl that lost 80 pounds because of Dance Dance Revolution. While you should not let your children veg-out on video games all day, it is nice that they get some exercise during their gaming sessions.

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