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Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Martin Christopher Stout.

Uncle Marty is a true Karaoke King and all around good guy. Everytime I've seen him at a karaoke bar, he brought the house down. Uncle Marty has worked on several of my productions from driver to stunt man. I like having him on board because he makes the rest of my crew feel safe...also known as Marty the Mauler, he is very large, but gentle giant who is ready to fight when needed. He is also very spiritual and is proactive about helping his fellow man, especially those down and out, and actively protects the environment. Uncle Marty has a new band called "Last at Bat." He is competing in an on-line rockband contest with his song "There's a girl."

Below is a garage band video version of "there's a girl" which he did for a penny, but his heart is definitely in the right place.

Please go to and give him a vote of support. He deserves it.

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