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Friday, June 08, 2007


These are very special glasses. They are made in Hungary and are called TIPTON Vinylize. A young man inherited over a 100,000 old 78 records of Hungarian folk music. This young man moved to Los Angeles with the idea of making it big in Hollywood. All he had was his father's old record collection. He decided that to be hip in Hollywood, one needed to have his/her own line of know like Oakley or Black Fly. He turned all of his father's records into sunglasses. They are actually pretty cool. If I take a needle and run it along the rim I can hear some Hungarian folk music. I think he might have went out of business, but I like this Barnumesque story. So now, I am using these glasses...they are magic glasses. Anyone who wears them turns into an old Hollywood Studio Mogul-- a Zanuck, a Meyer, or an O' Selznick. The Magic Glasses suddenly make you talk with power and confidence as you tell the world the big picture you are going to make. My idea is to shoot a scene from each of these "on the street" Studio Mogul's Opus Magnus. Epic Movie.

A Slovenian fisherman tells us about the big movie he's going to make. He's like a regular Irwin Allen.

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