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Monday, April 09, 2007



There was YouTube before the Internet? Yes, it's called Public Access.

The DigiVangelist is constantly looking for new and inventive ways to communicate stories, but sometimes it is best to look to the past. Public Access has been hosting local community based programming since before the Internet. Many of us know about the Public Access channels in our community, but like most people out there, you may have the opinion that Public Access is really bad television. Did you know that most of them have equipment and edit bays for your disposal? More and More people are generating content for the web to reach out to the world community, and this is great, but one should remember the local community. Speaking with a Public Access Program Coordinator, he said, they would love to have "quality" user generated content, but people think the Internet is a better outlet. So, remember the more outlets you have the better chance you have of touching someone with your story, and you should take advantage of every one of those outlets.

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