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Saturday, January 08, 2005


What a shallow, juvenile popular culture we live in when we are programmed not to grow old naturally or with grace and wisdom. Why? Because we are so afraid of not being wanted or loved. Why? Because for the most part it's true. My wife was reading Family Circle which she has decided to stop reading when there was a supposed important article about "TV viewing with your Kids". The writer of this article spoke of watching the reality show SWAN with her ten year old daughter. SWAN is all about people rushing to have plastic surgery done. The winner is the one who has it done the fastest and looks the "best". Why the hell would she be letting her daughter watch this show in the first place? What does that have to do with family values or human wisdom? There's nothing sadder than walking around a Bristol Farms in Beverly Hills and running into a lonely elderly woman with horrible make-up, face lift and insect-like nose job. She did this to herself to be accepted, but look at her now. Why bother playing the game? Be yourself. That is where real love can flourish for eternity.

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